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Mar 16, 2006

Paddy’s day is the 18th

posted at 20:26 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Not *St.* Paddy’s day, I’m talking about Paddy Johnson. The Art Fag City blogger wants to stay in the States (with the Bush admin ruling it’s unclear why) and you can help her out!

To find out how, go here for the more details… (direct link to the invite)

(I was thinking about posting this but once I read AFC’s interview with ARTList, in which she mentions MTAA as one of the most influential artists working today, I just had to didn’t I? Thanks Paddy :-)) permanent link to this post

McCoys interviewed on Artinfo

posted at 02:13 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Their latest exhibition, “Directed Dreaming,” opened at Postmasters Gallery in New York on March 4.

It comprises a series of complex, kinetic sculptures that are covered with tiny tableaux that they call “fragmentary, miniature film sets.” An array of tiny cameras are trained on these tableaux, and, as part of each installation, a sequence of greatly enlarged images are projected on to a wall of the gallery. The works are at once funny, bizarre and somewhat worrying. Immediately after the opening at Postmasters, Jennifer and Kevin McCoy spoke to ArtInfo about their work.
Check it out… permanent link to this post

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