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Mar 02, 2006

Some early Whitney Biennial posts from blogs

posted at 18:18 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

There’s bloggy’s post (includes a pic):
My first impression is that there are a lot more artists with whom I was unfamiliar, unlike the previous one. I’m pleased to see that, because I don’t want the Biennial to show a lot of work that regular New York-based gallery-goers have already seen.

And there’s also an Art Dirt Redux podcast:
2006 Whitney Biennial. Actual artists statements mixed with Rob & my comments. The first mash-up of its kind. The statements are as inane as the exhibition. Oops, am I being insensitive? The political stuff was OK. Deep Dish TV was great. The big deal was the remake of Di Suvero’s Freedom Tower from the 1960’s protest days. It’s a simulation of an actual protest piece.

Don’t miss one of the curator’s blogs (wink wink, nudge nudge).

Artnet’s review by Jerry Saltz

There’s some Flickring going on over there too. permanent link to this post

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