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Mar 01, 2006

Near perfect commute

posted at 14:41 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Every once in a while an NYC commuter falls into a little eddy of calm in the maelstrom of rush hour. You can’t plan it — don’t even try — just enjoy when it happens.

Today I had that pleasure. First, the train arrives just as I’m walking onto the subway platform (2/3 Borough Hall station in Brooklyn). It’s timed perfectly: I don’t need to rush; I don’t need to wait. Entering the train, a prime end seat in the sparsely populated car presents itself. Before sitting down, it’s offered to an older woman; she declines. What luck! a perfect guilt-free seat.

After that, nothing happens — that’s the point. I sit quietly listening to my iPod (The Brian Jonestown Massacre) and reading my book (“A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius” — yeah, I might be going thru a 90s revival…). Arriving at the 34th and Penn station, it’s also quiet and easily navigated, practically ushering me with white gloves to my comfortable office where I sit typing this. permanent link to this post

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