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Feb 23, 2006

Eathon G. Hall, Jr. 1965 - 2006

posted at 22:15 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Horrible, horrible news!

Eathon Hall 1965 - 2006

Received from Aljira where Eathon was the Program Director:
It is with deep sorrow that we must inform you of the passing of Eathon G. Hall, Jr., who died in a tragic accident on Friday, February 17, while on vacation in Brasil. Eathon returned to Newark last year as Program Director of Aljira, a Center for Contemporary Art (from March 1996 through January 1999, he was Assistant Director of Education at the Newark Museum) following his tenure at the Bronx Museum of Art where he served as Curator of Education for five years.

On Thursday night, February 16, at a V.I.P. reception on the occasion of Aljira’s most recent installations—Sudan: The Land and The People; Children of Darfur: Gen Genocide; and Khalid Kodi—Eathon was publicly recognized by Aljira’s Board Chair Charles Russell and Executive Director Victor L. Davson for his innovation and for the engaging experiences in visual culture that were under his development at Aljira. Future collaborations he intitiated include Mexican Vogue with the Newark Museum, Planet Hip Hop with New Jersey Performing Arts Center, and Do You Think I’m Disco?/B-Side with Longwood Arts Project.

His passing is a great loss to Aljira and to the larger cultural community, and we will all miss his spirit, commitment and leadership.

A memorial service for Eathon Hall will be held on Monday, February 27, 11 a.m. at the Macedonia Baptist Church in Harlem. It is located at 452 W. 147 St. between Convent and Amsterdam. Phone: 212 283-7973. Further information about the interrment and reception will be available at the church.

We got to know Eathon during the Aljira Emerge program. He was very dedicated, smart and organized and there was always a sense of joy about him.

This is just terrible. My deepest sympathies to his family, friends and to the staff at Aljira.

m.river adds -Very sad news. Eathon was a sweet man who was into helping artist live a better lives. Sympathies to all as well. permanent link to this post

new media, the low points

posted at 20:33 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

hahahhahahh… remember flash mobs? haaaaa ahaha. permanent link to this post

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