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Feb 22, 2006

One of those why-I’m-not-posting posts

posted at 14:45 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

I’m not posting here, I’m not posting there or there either.

There’s just to many places to post these days. And I’m busy.

Gotta get the thing done for Rhizome, gotta revise the budget for that grant, gotta cash that check, gotta buy a new studio computer (2 actually and a monitor), gotta call that place and get that information so I can revise that budget, gotta do something for my Mom’s birthday (already got most of that done Mom don’t worry), gotta call that other place, gotta print that thing, gotta figure out how we’re gonna show that piece at that fair, gotta get ready for the Ohio thing, gotta do my taxes, gotta book summer air fare, gotta gotta watch LOST and I’m probably forgetting stuff… permanent link to this post

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