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Feb 18, 2006

Fuck the fucking fuckers

posted at 23:46 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

MTAA’s studio was burglarized the other night. We lost about $1600 worth of equipment: 2 computers, a monitor and a small PA speaker.

It really sucks.

I’ve been fearful of this happening, and now it has. Luckily our projector wasn’t there and nothing that was stolen isn’t replaceable; but laying out dough to replace it is going to be painful.

m.river adds -if you find on-line or on the street, someone trying to sell a mac mini with the case sprayed silver or one with KDM 100 software installed. Send us a line. Yeah, 1 to 1,000,000 chance but it could happen. Thanks permanent link to this post

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