Sep 29, 2003
Are version numbers dying or dead?
posted at 15:43 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek
I’m sure the developers aren’t canning versions in their production processes. That would be nuts. I wonder why the marketers have decided to cut them from the names for the boxed versions? Were the numbers simply getting to high? I mean, Photoshop 8 or Illustrator 11 ain’t so bad. Is it?
Also, does this signal that Macromedia has finally surpassed Adobe as the premier graphic and design arts software company now that Adobe is being forced to follow the lead of Macromedia in tieing their flagship products together in a more recognizable bundle? (Allowing of course that Macromedia followed MS and it’s Office line.)
I’m just wondering. permanent link to this post
Sep 27, 2003
‘r0un Db ack’
posted at 16:11 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver at
Wednesday, October 1st, 6-8 PM
AT: La-Casalinga Restaurant,120 First Avenue, at 7th street, East Village, NYC,
SPECIAL MENU: soup, wine and happening will be served !!
‘r0un Db ack’ was conceived by the team.
dear friends and colleagues
this very first day of october is a PURCHASE!!! day and a GO-TASTE day 2 !!
in response to computer fine arts’ invitation, has combined why-fi flavour flaves of net art european crème in the captain Cook marine tradition and therefore added a r0un Db ack soup to the menu to support doron golan’s net art collecting venture.
Taste the blAck beAn flAvourish while listening to “PURCHASE!!!”, the collectoring Rockers II audioCD, featuring Famous International Net Artists ShoutSongs covers.
Discover SPrInT n°1,’s tHe genHuine onHline papHer magazine latest issue and learn all about the howtos of net art fame roundTables!
Enjoy and support! gives You the mike and MTAA shoots the picture !
Venue nombreux
wishing you the best always
-/ the next route plining! /-
doron golan
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Sep 25, 2003
Hot off the press
posted at 21:12 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
check it out permanent link to this post
Sep 22, 2003
MTEWW is at risk of running out of VDE resources
posted at 10:20 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
They are called XO and they SUCK! Stay away from them! If you were shanghaied into their service like we were, get off them quick!
My complaint? Every time you run a script on their service they CHARGE YOU FOR IT! Does anyone know of any other hosting service that does this? I don’t. They have this little scam called VDE resources and they basically charge you for every frickin’ CPU cycle you use. It’s ridiculous! Just to run this blog we need to pay them 12 bucks more a month (on top of the monthly charge)! I’ve found other hosts that charge LESS for the ENTIRE SERVICE! AND give you more disk space AND more bandwidth. And it seems to go up every month though the hits to the site DON’T increase! HOW THE HELL DOES THAT WORK? I don’t know, they don’t have a clear policy and they don’t answer the phone either. But it’s a VERY LARGE pain to move, so I continue to take the abuse. I’m an idiot, or I don’t have the time, or both.
Anyway, that’s why I haven’t been posting much. I feel like every time I look at the blog I’m going to be charged a dollar. permanent link to this post
The Darker Side of 35
posted at 10:20 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Notable attendees include: Carol Stakenas, Kevin McCoy, Taketo Shimada, Cary Peppermint and Inka Essenhigh. I’m sure M.River apreciates the ‘thanks, couldn’t make it’ emails; he told me that he scratches you off his ‘death list’ when he gets ‘em. permanent link to this post
Sep 15, 2003">
posted at 14:20 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics
Misleader was created by
Also, more on the Bush Admin lies at
I keep assuming that the assholes running the executive branch of our federal government will learn that the US public isn’t as stupid and complacent as they seem to think we are. But, they obviously haven’t caught on. Yet.
I hope I’m right. permanent link to this post
Sep 07, 2003
AIOTD - Back to School Special
posted at 11:04 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Sep 02, 2003
New MTAA Art Documentation Posted
posted at 10:07 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
In Preparation For An Attack By Mobs Of Hideously Deformed Radioctive Mutants On 31 Grand
(AKA Cage Match)
(AKA MANUAL ZOOM MIRAGE) permanent link to this post
Sep 01, 2003
AIOTD - Abandonment Plan
posted at 14:59 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Yes, it¹s MTAA new abandonment plan for art distribution.
So here is the idea - Make a good size painting of a couch, a mattress, a puppy, and a little boy in a video arcade. Leave them out on the street. Watch via a Web cam? Follow them to their new home? If you love something let it go?
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Pirated Movie Photos
posted at 13:25 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/photos
the performers, from top right: tinydiva, Fritz Welch (Pee In My Face With Surgery), Jaime Fennelly (Pee In My Face With Surgery), Taketo Shimada, Naval Cassidy, and Jackmaster Arcangel.
Pirated Movie (MTAA’s pirated screening of Disney’s Pirates of The Caribbean) seems to have gone fairly well. Click on the thumbs above and you can see some photos of the evening.
My one regret is not getting any photos of all the people running out with their hands over their ears during Pee In My Face With Surgery’s set.
In the beginning it was very crowded, but it cleared out as the heat, Pee In My Face With Surgery, and nicotine addictions got the better of people. There were a few hearty souls who stuck it out through the entire night (meaning that they didn’t go and hang around outside the gallery) some of whom I’ll name here: Heather Stephens, Jeff Wyckoff, Dyske Suematsu, Joseph McElroy, and Bogyi Banovitch. Thanks guys! permanent link to this post
Mumford in Baghdad 2
posted at 12:17 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
My previous post in which I expressed confusion regarding the the absense of any images of the US occupation in Baghdad was a bit hasty. His newest batch of sketches, all of the National Guard’s 3rd Battalion, 124th Infantry, show a very different view of Baghdad then the previous batch which showed mostly scene’s of local residents.
Also, it’s important to remember that Steve is creating this work and journal from a subjective view, from the POV of himself. I’m so used to seeing coverage by journalists who attempt objective viewpoints and by commentators (left and right) who use selective facts to bolster their political arguments that I was almost bewildered by someone who’s simply expressing his own experiences as he sees them, day to day.
Some links to especially strong sketches:
Spcs. Robert Jacques and David Em
Night Patrol
Spc. Travalious Campbell permanent link to this post