Jun 29, 2003
Global Net Art Show
posted at 11:13 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
A really huge show, global in nature would help in showing everyone that we’re not going to just roll over and take it. The show should be entirely online, but there should be global receptions which can function as walk-throughs, the local artists can will be present for the press, large projections of the art, and etc.
So far it’s a rather embryonic idea. I don’t know what would be in the show, or what the theme of the show would be. I just have this strong feeling that we need something strong, big, splashy, and undeniable which comes from the grass-roots as opposed to the institution. permanent link to this post
Jun 26, 2003
Response From Kathy Halbreich, Walker Art Center Director, To The Open Letter
posted at 17:20 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Matt Mirapaul reported this in the NYTime’ Ms. Halbreich said she intended to keep the projects online but could not commit to doing so until the cost was determined. Obviously, this position is unacceptable. So, Sarah Cook wrote a letter and MTAA posted it on our web site at ““. We had 689 people sign the letter in one week. We now have response from the Director, Kathy Halbreich, and also a response from Steve Dietz linked from the initial letter.
I personally found Kathy Halbreich’s response to be sorely lacking: Our philosophical and artistic commitment to New Media has not wavered, but the resources are not there to carry out that commitment as intensively or as quickly as we had hoped. Simply substitute “Photography” or “Video” for “New Media” in the quote above and you can see what an absurd statement it is. We all understand the hard economic times but the cuts should have been shared across the board. The statement also uses double talk. What does “carry out that commitment as intensively or as quickly as we had hoped” mean? To Ms. Halbreich it means disappearing the department that could carry out *any* commitment whatsoever. Blackhawk summed it up well on thingist, “They haven’t shot themselves in the foot, they’ve amputated it.”
She does go on to assure us that the works in Gallery 9 will continue to be accessible (which was my main concern) but I’m still feeling a bit nervous about this considering the NYTime’s article quoted above.
At any rate, this is a big step back for new media art in the USA. The Walker was *the* visionary institution for new media. Steve’s position at The Walker helped to push new media, web art, and net art into the mainstream of american art institutions and now they’ve dropped the ball. It’s a shame. permanent link to this post
Jun 23, 2003
It’s (not) A Secret
posted at 17:25 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Come to think of it, not many people prolly give a shit, but anyway, our new project, called.. what’s it called again? The title is to long to remember and we neglected to give this one a short “AKA” name as is our practice. Let us call it AKA Hot Brooklyn Summer. (the real title is “In Preparation For The Summer Air In Brooklyn To Rise From The Concrete In A Manner Which Distorts One’s Ability To Judge Distance and Meaning (AKA Manual Zoom Mirage)”, OH shit, it DOES have an AKA title! OK, scratch that babble that came before this).
Now. Where was I?
So this postcard, AKA Manual Zoom Mirage (which all of you should be receiving in the mail shortly) is going to be released on the web as an Adobe Illustrator file with a creative commons license. We’ll release it near the opening date which is July 12th. We’ll announce it’s web presence here and elsewhere.
One more thing: G-fuckin’-5, FINALLY! we wants one, yes we do. permanent link to this post
Jun 22, 2003
Rain again
posted at 10:13 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jun 21, 2003
Send Yer Snail Mail Address
posted at 16:17 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
We need your snail mail address in order to send you a postcard for our show at Rome Arts in Brooklyn, NY. This is no ordinary postcard however, the postcard IS the show; the show IS the postcard.
Other than that, there isn’t much to report from here. I’ve been procrastinating updating my portfolio for about a week, it rains everyday in NYC now, I’m going to play poker next week, the Upgrade is next week, and there is an opening at Bitforms next week too. I’ll foot spam the Upgrade meeting and the Bitforms opening with the MTAA show/postcard; that should be fun. permanent link to this post
Jun 18, 2003
Better Days In Hell
posted at 18:26 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jun 14, 2003
We need your address
posted at 17:14 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
M.River and I are having a show at Rome Arts in good ole Brooklyn, NYC and we want to send YOU a postcard!
So, your land address and you’ll get a postcard. We might not send postcards to international addresses but we haven’t decided yet. permanent link to this post
AIOTD: My Farts Are Benevolent
posted at 11:21 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Would it be art for me to record my farts and sell the recordings as stock audio? It’s kinda like an update of Manzoni’s shit cans.
And remember: AIOTD™ is a trademark of MTAA and stands for Art Idea Of The Day.
For some reason, this web site Gawker has a problem with Brooklyn. I don’t understand why. But they did report that according to Wallpaper mag Redhook has been discovered. So, you know what that means.. No media has reported on Long Island City yet. Also, Chris and Peggy are gonna hafta start lookin’ for a new place :-(
YES, I’m using BOLD tags and I DON’T CARE! It’s a helluva lot faster than typing
style="font-weight: bold;"
Really annoying thing: going out to a birthday dinner with a group and someone decides that everyone should pay per dish rather than simply splitting up the bill into equal shares and, yes, it’s immaterial that I ordered a $40 bottle of wine, coffee, and an expensive entree when everyone else ordered pasta dishes ;-) I decided I would enjoy my meal before I ordered, CHEAPSKATES BE DAMNED!
I’m happy to report that if you search Google in german for “leather pants stage pics” the MTAA-RR is THE NUMBER ONE WEB SITE returned! WOOOOO-HOOOOOO! permanent link to this post
Jun 11, 2003
MTAA Art Idea of the Day
posted at 20:36 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jun 09, 2003
MTAA Art Idea Of The Day: “Fictional” Art
posted at 16:49 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
This is a fairly simple idea but there may be copyright issues. The idea is to take images of fictional “High Art” in popular culture and re-contextualize them into a “High Art” context. That is, take an image of art from, say, the gallery scene in Beverly Hills Cop 1, create an actual work which is a replica and exhibit it in a museum or fine art gallery.
How one goes about re-creating a piece is another interesting part of this work. I’m inclined to take the actual image of a fictive artwork from a DVD and create a new 2d still image of the fictional artwork regardless of it’s dimensions in the fictive version. Or, one could take one of the sculptures from Beetlejuice and re-fabricate it. Or, you could mix-n-match depending on the fictional artwork.
I think someone with more time or ambition than MTAA could probably make an entire early career from this idea.
Of course, the problem is, sometimes producers hire “real” artists to either fabricate or loan art for films and television. permanent link to this post
Jun 07, 2003
MTAA Art Idea of the Day
posted at 15:26 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
4 sheets of 4 x 8 plywood are cut to create the letters HTML. The letters are then painted white and hung on a 2 x 4 framework like the Hollywood sign.
This idea was somewhat inspired by Cory. I ran into him a few days ago and told him about the idea. He suggested using DHTML. This is another example of why he rules. permanent link to this post
Jun 05, 2003
Wolfowitz Retraction by The Guardian
posted at 12:14 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics
Jun 04, 2003
It WAS all about oil afterall
posted at 17:37 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics
In a story posted today, Wolfowitz: Iraq war was about oil, the deputy defense secretary is quoted as telling an Asian security summit in Singapore, when asked why the US is treating North Korea differently than Iraq: Let’s look at it simply. The most important difference between North Korea and Iraq is that economically, we just had no choice in Iraq. The country swims on a sea of oil. Finally, someone is being honest in the Bush Administration.
I’m thinking that old Wolfowitz may have talked himself out of a job, but at least we’re finding out the actual agenda behind the Bush Admin’s war in Iraq before he goes. permanent link to this post
Jun 03, 2003
Lies, Lies, Lies
posted at 09:33 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics
Jun 02, 2003
blog on
posted at 20:31 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
blog blog blog
blog blog blog
and blog…
i dont want to have a blog, best jimpunk permanent link to this post
MTAA Art Idea of the Day
posted at 18:53 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
What? You don’t think we can make a solar server? This very cool geek already did one. So did this very cool kid
Yes, I know you will want to steal this AIOTD. That is okay cuz we are copy left and we got the idea from our friend Kate anyway. Although the idea is only in a rough blog ready state right now, we are acutely going to try to get a gallery to let us build it on their roof in the fall.
permanent link to this post